bloom charms and tassels.

Charmed, I’m Sure: Charm Jewelry Is Trending Again — Are You Feeling the Charm Fusion?

Sometimes, a jewelry trend comes around… and around, and around yet again… because there’s just something timeless about its appeal. Charm jewelry is exactly that kind of trend. Our grandmothers and mothers had charm bracelets in their time. Many of us remember wearing those brightly colored plastic charm necklaces in the ‘80s, or the more […]

bloom layering jewelry

Layering Jewelry for Fall and Winter: How to Layer Up in Signature Style

Unpredictable weather conditions, it’s time to layer up. Why not layer your necklaces and bracelets, too? By bringing together different pieces in different combinations, layering necklaces and bracelets opens up a range of exciting possibilities for your jewelry collection.  The layering jewelry trend also happens to be a fantastic fit for Bloom’s signature styles! In […]

Malachite Background

Gemstone of the Month: Embrace Your Green Goddess this Holiday Season With Malachite

We can all use a little help, encouragement, and inspiration sometimes. Whatever you believe about the healing properties of gemstones, it’s undeniable: Jewelry empowers us. That’s the motivation behind our Gemstone Feature series. By sharing the stories of some of the gemstones gracing our latest Bloom pieces, we celebrate the countless ways jewelry brings positive […]