Everyone has someone to thank along their journey. The list is long of all those who daily contribute to making my dream of Bloom Jewelry a reality. This story recognizes some of the people who helped to start me on my journey, and who help it to continue today.
Initially, as a teenager, my mom was the one to set me on this course (thanks mom!). When we were kids, to keep us out of trouble, she was always trying to find experiences and hobbies that we could be passionate about. When I was 15 years old, an opportunity arose to apprentice with a jewelry designer. I took it, and I immediately fell in love. This designer gave me the tools I needed, as well as bags and bags full of overstock gemstones. She taught me the basic techniques I needed to get going on my own. I only wish I could find her now, so I could thank her, too.
I continued to make jewelry, but it wasn’t until college — when I moved from small-town Connecticut to Los Angeles, only 15 minutes from the city’s famed Jewelry District — that it again became central to my life. Now, I spent all my extra time navigating the district’s streets and alleys, finding secret, hidden gem enclaves (most of which you have to be buzzed into). Treasure was everywhere, and I fell in love in a new way. The hunt for new and interesting materials became my new passion. Every bit of spare change that didn’t go towards rent and college went back to the Jewelry District.
From here, I decided to write a business plan. To earn college credits, I started a fictitious business. I applied for a juried art show, and once accepted, I had a store buyer approach me. That’s how I picked up my first account.
Fast-forward 15 years, and Bloom has had the privilege of working with hundreds of specialty boutiques, spas, and museums throughout the United States and worldwide. We have cultivated a family of amazing women who help create, craft, sell, and distribute our jewelry. While my role has evolved over the years — as a business owner, I have to wear many hats — I feel fortunate that with each collection, I get to relive those feelings of being a young woman out treasure hunting, designing with no limits.