Bloom Summer Show

For those of you not in the Denver area you might not know that our annual summer show was last Wednesday.  Which would also mean you missed one heck of a party.  Held at the new Art Hotel next door to one of our favorite accounts, the Denver Art Museum, it was an event we […]

Catherine, Lindsay, Stacy IIK Gala 2015

Invest In Kids Gala

Over the years, we realized that the programs we found ourselves in the studio supporting over and over again all had one thing in common: children.  An easy jump to make as passionate moms & aunties.  Recently we worked closely with the staff of Invest In Kids to launch b.line during the live auction at […]

The Break Changer

This past June, our friend Brit of Brit Stueven PR held a free program called The Break Changer: 10-for-10 Challenge.  Energized by her two-year move to Europe and short sabbatical from her company, Brit realized she wasn’t very good at something: taking breaks from a crazy schedule and recharging her figurative batteries.  It hit a little too close […]